Business Planning
To create sustainable success, every business needs a plan.
Your Business Plan provides a clear outline of what you need to do to unlock the potential in your business. It will provide focus, help you make decisions, and define strategies and actions to achieve your goals.
When should I do Business Planning?
If you don’t have one, any time is a good time to develop a Business Plan. However it's particularly relevant at the start of a new financial year. Other critical times to develop a Business Plan are when you're starting a new venture or contemplating a major change in your existing business. You'll also require a Business Plan to support any financial applications.
What’s involved:
Our half-day Business Planning Workshop will require you to take time out from your day-to -day activities to focus on your business. Together we’ll review your past performance and clarify your future direction.
You’ll set solid and realistic business goals and define strategies for achieving them.
At the end of the session, your one-page Business Plan will act as a guide for you (and your team) to successfully implement your desired changes and ensure your business is on course for success.
Your business plan will:
Review and set business direction
Align goals amongst the directors or owners
Identify critical challenges and opportunities in your business and the actions required to resolve or maximise them
Identify and prioritise your key business goals - dividing these into short and long term, then:
Create strategies to achieve your goals
Identify what support and resources you will need to achieve your goals
Set timeframes for achieving your goals
Discuss how these goals align with your personal goals and situation
Establish a 90-Day Action Plan to address immediate critical issues
Identify Gross Revenue Targets and Key Performance Indicators
Provide a tool to communicate your business goals and vision with your team
Help you make decisions, avoid procrastination and stay on target
Provide a template to review actual performance against targets
Provide a platform to develop Financial Forecasts
Can be used as a basis to set team members’ individual goals and targets
Provide a robust accountability system
Prior to your Business Plan Workshop:
Before the workshop, we'll provide you with pre-work. This is to ensure you identify any issues that need to be discussed, and so that we can prepare any information required before getting started.
*More extensive Business Planning Workshops can be tailored to fit your requirements - please contact us to have a chat about your needs.
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